Monday, September 29, 2014


We have been very busy working on all our writing skills so far this year.  We have really been working on ideas to write about, stretching out the sounds we hear in words to write them down, and different ways to get our ideas down on paper.  This has been a lot of fun!  Have your child do some writing for you.  We are coming along!

Johnny Appleseed

We spent last week learning all about the man named "Johnny Appleseed".  It was a lot of fun to learn about his life, why he was important to us, and even how he is the same and different then us.  We even got to taste test a couple different kinds of apples!  What a fun week.  I hope your child came home discussing all the fun we had!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Writer's Workshop!

We began work in our writer's workshop this week!  We have been learning about stretching out our words.  We have discussed starting to write by waking up the stories in our head.  Then we get the pictures down on paper.  After we do that we begin to stretch out our words that describe our pictures.  Here are some pictures of us working hard!!  Please have your child stretch out and write words on paper for you!!

Sheep in a Jeep ~

We have been working on rhyming in our classroom!  We spent our week reading the books Sheep in a Jeep, Sheep in a Shop, and Sheep on a Ship.  We ended our week making our own sheep and then writing rhyming words on them.

Newsletter Information

September 19, 2014
v Continue working on the sounds each letter makes
v Practice writing the upper and lower case letters.
v Practice counting to see how far your child can go.
v Work on rhymes.  You say a word and your child will tell you a word that rhymes with it.

What We Are Learning~
The last 2 weeks we have been working on our Daily 5.  We are working on having all of the five dailies in place and working in our classroom.   We do Read to Self, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading, Word Work, and Read to Someone.   They are doing a very nice job on these.  During Read to Self the students read to themselves books they have picked.  During Work on Writing we write in our journals and practice our writing.  Also we have been working on rhyming and beginning sounds.  It is always a good thing to practice with your child. Ask your child about all of our work during the Daily 5.

We have been working very hard on our counting and writing skills to 10 in math.  The students are spending a lot of time working on making these numbers correctly and counting carefully.  It can be tricky!

Upcoming Events~
v September 24 – Early Out
v October 8- Early Out
v October 13- No School
v October 22 – Early Out

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Word Work!

We began our 3rd Daily during our Reading Workshop this week.  It is called Word Work.  It pretty much is just that, we are working on words or working with words.  There are a variety of activities to pick from during this daily.  The students are having a great time working with others and learning more and more about words!

Number Writing~

We have been very busy writing our numbers to 10.  This can be challenging at times as we are working very hard on not making our numbers backwards.  Here is our class busy writing!  Please continue to work on this at home.  If your child has to 10 mastered continue on to 20 or further.  :)

Lilly's Book!

Last week we worked very hard on the book Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse.  We worked on the characters, setting, problem, and our own feelings if this happened.  The students had a great time thinking about this book and also hearing other Lilly stories throughout the week.  At the end of the week we made our own purple purse that was all about the characters, setting, and problem.  Hope you enjoyed to look through these when the came home!  Here are some pictures of us hard at work on these books!