Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Newsletter Information

Mrs. Hendershot’s Class
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

*     November 20- Early Out
*     November 22- Report Cards go home
*     November 27-29- No School
*     December 11- Early Out
*     December 12- 6:30 Kindergarten Concert- HS AUD

Daily 5:
We have our first 25 word wall words all introduced in our classroom.  Some students have already passed these and are working on challenge words.  Keep up all the hard work on these words.  We are working on the last half of our words now.  Please practice these papers as they come home!

We just began our new unit on measurement.  This unit is a lot of fun because we are able to do a lot of hands on activities.  We started out comparing sizes, then moved to actual measurements of different objects.  We found them all around the room and would measure them using cubes, paper clips, and a worm tape measure.  Ask your child about all the fun we are having in math!

Social Studies/Health:
We have spent the last week and a half continuing our discussion with the first Thanksgiving but we have also thrown in a twist of discussing healthy foods.  We created a list of the foods we believed were at the first Thanksgiving and then foods we eat now.  We discussed which were healthy or not healthy.  We even did a sort of the foods.  Finally we drew our plate at Thanksgiving to see how much of each food group we were getting.  It was a lot of fun!

WOW!!  We have been busy writing up a storm this past week and a half.  We have really been working on what makes a sentence.  We discussed how you need a “who” and a “what”.  These parts are important so people can understand what you write.  So please practice this at home to see how well we are doing!

Helpful Hints:
*     Have your child count to you and see how far they can count.
*    Have your child spell some two and three letter words.
*    Please continue to read the take home books and return when done.

Turkey Spelling Bags

What a day we had yesterday!!!  We created our own turkey spelling bags.  They had a great time coloring, cutting, and assembling the bags.  Then finally we were able to do a little spelling of words.  I hope that your child showed you this bag and even showed you what they knew about spelling words!  It was a lot of fun and a great activity to practice at home also!

Ordering Objects

We have been working very hard on our Measurement Unit in math.  We have been doing a lot of hands on activities to increase our knowledge of longer and shorter.  Last week we spent a lot of time putting objects back into order from shortest to longest.  It was a lot of fun to hear their explanations into why we needed to place an object into a certain position.  Check out the pictures from our activity.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Hand Turkey

We made our own hand turkey last Friday!  It was a lot of fun because most of the students wanted to trace their own hand and also they did an excellent job adding details to their turkey!  Hope you enjoyed them as much as we did when we shared them!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thank you to families!

This week is American Education Week and we took the time today to write a thank you to those in our family that help us with furthering our education.  We discussed the things at home that they help us do and how it makes us feel.  Then we created a card for someone that helps us!  We hope that you enjoy the card!  Thanks again for helping your child succeed in school!!

Journal Writing

We have started our journal writing during writing time.  We have worked on stretching words, spaces in between words, and now including a who and a what when writing a sentence.  We then apply all these concepts to our writing in our journals.  Right now we are starting off with blank pieces of paper as we still do a  lot of coloring of pictures but soon we will move to lined paper as we get more sentences down to form a story.  Enjoy!

Friday, November 15, 2013


We had our project day on Thursday this week due to the No School day on Friday and we had a great time working on a cornucopia!  First we tried to figure out what this may be.  We had a lot of great predictions.  We then learned what it was and why it is a symbol of Thanksgiving.  We learned that each item put into the cornucopia could heal you, it means to be thankful, and it also means food is plentiful.  Then we each created our own cornucopia.  We took great pride in these and they are also hanging in the hallway for you to enjoy!

Capital Letters~

We worked this week on starting our sentences with a capital letter.  This can be a tricky thing to remember so a lot of practice is what we did.  They loved it when Mrs. Hendershot would write sentences and forget the capital letter.  It was a lot fun to hear them tell me how to correct my sentences.  This then carried over into a partner activity where they worked together to fix some sentences on their own!  It was amazing to see how well they worked together and learned while doing it!

Thankful Pilgrim People

We spent our writing time on Wednesday discussing what we are thankful for and writing about it.  Then we created either a pilgrim boy or girl and put our writing on that.  These are now proudly hanging in our hallway for all to enjoy!  We had a lot of fun creating these plus thinking of all the things we are thankful for!