Friday, August 31, 2012

Newsletter Information


September 3- No School
September 17- 2 Hours Late
September 20 – School Pictures
October 1 – 2 Hours Late
October 15 – No School

v Have your child practice writing their name at home to help improve their skill in this area. 
v We are starting to work on the letters and sounds so working on these too will help.

We started our work on the Daily 5 this week.  The Daily 5 will be our reading time this year.  There are 5 centers that the kids will be doing during this time while I will be meeting with groups of kids to work on different reading skills.  There will be more information about this Daily 5 in the Spartan Scoop for September be sure to check it out.  We have been working on the 3 ways to read a book: read the pictures, read the words, and retell the story.  Then we began 1 of our 5 centers in the Daily 5.  We started Read to Self.  We worked hard to increase the amount of minutes we can read to self this week.  Ask your child how many minutes we are up to.

This was the beginning of our math in Kindergarten.  We are very excited about all the fun things we have done.  We began by talking about positional words then did a lot of activities with left and right, moving on to same and different, then did some sorting, and finally began our work with patterns!

We worked hard on our handwriting this week.  We worked on our letters.  All of these papers we practiced with came home throughout the week.  Please continue to work on all of the letters with your child as we progress in our writing skills.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Work on Writing is here!!!

We have started yet another component of our Daily 5 program!  We are doing Work on Writing now!  The students LOVE it!!  We are having so much fun writing words, drawing pictures, and being creative!  On day number 2 of Work on Writing we were able to make our goal of 20 minutes!  We were so excited and proud of ourselves.  Ask your child what they have been writing!! 

Enjoy our hard working pictures!

Rhyme Time is here!

We have been very busy this week doing some rhyming activities!  We are working on coming up with words that rhyme other words, listening to stories for rhyming words, and even filling in the blanks for sentences with rhymes!  Please work on these at home with your child!  It is a great way for them to learn and it is also FUN!! 

We created a rhyming clown in our classroom check him out!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Read to Someone has begun!

We have started another one of our Reading Daily 5 components.  Read to Someone is one of our favorites to do.  We get to read our books with a buddy in our classroom.  We have learned how to sit EEKK!  (Ask your child what that means!)  We have learned how to read the stories to a friend and take turns!  We are really enjoying this time!

Oh Math Dailys!!!~ We LOVE them!

We have been very busy working on becoming independent during our Math Daily's.  These would be like math centers.  There are different groups and they rotate between 4 different areas daily.  They are really doing a nice job working on their own, with their groups, and following directions!  I am so very proud of them!  Here are a few things we have been doing!

Sorting Many Ways!

We have been doing a lot of sorting in math.  We are working on sorting by different attributes and by multiple attributes.  It has been a lot of fun to see how the students sort their objects.  They are also having a lot of fun doing this.  Keep up all the hard work!

Our Hand Creations!


We spent some time tracing our hands and doing a little creation on our hands for you to remember our first tracing in Kindergarten!

We hope that you enjoyed them when they came home!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Start of Many Good Things!!

Well we have begun working very hard on Kindergarten Curriculum!!  They are really testing out their skills this year!  We have started our Daily 5 Reading program (watch the BEE Folder for more information).  It is off to a great start.  We are currently working on 1 of the 5 components to our Daily 5.  We have been working on our stamina for Read to Self.  It pretty much is like the title of it.  We find a spot on the floor and we practice reading to ourselves.  The students are already up to 12 minutes of this!!!  This is the most I have ever had on Day 2 of the Daily 5.  We are excited and really trying hard to read some books. 

We have spent some time working on the 3 way to read a book.  You should ask your child what they are all about.  We know we can read the words, read the pictures, and retell a familiar story.  WOW this is fun!  We even talked about why we do Read to Self....that is because first it is FUN and second to make us a better reader. 

Below are some pictures of us busy in Kindergarten this full week!  ENJOY!!

 Some writing center time before our day gets going!
 Working on our morning calendar!
 A little drawing time before the day gets going!
 Reading is a great way to start off the day.
 Our math is keeping us very busy!

 We have 4 math daily's we go to each day after our math is done!

 Practicing our read to self!
 Sorry for the blurry picture at Read to Self!
 Creating a little surprise page for later in the year!

We wanted to share what we made during center time!!