Friday, September 30, 2011

Newsletter Information

October 3rd - 2 hour delay
October 5th – Picture Re-takes
October 14th – No School
October 17th- 2 hour delay
October 24th/27th – P-T Conferences- 2:00 Out
October 28th – No School

·       Practice writing their name with only the first letter capital and the rest lowercase.
·       Work on counting objects to 10 or more!
We have spent a lot of our mini-lessons on working with the syllables in words.  The students have had a great time clapping out the sounds in the words and stating how many syllables they hear.  Ask them to do this at home and see how well they are doing.   We also are beginning to discuss the initial sounds you hear in words.  This can be a tricky thing to understand.  We will say a word slowly and try to hear what the first sound in the word is.  Please work on this at home as it takes a lot of practice to pick up on this skill.

During our math time we have been reading, writing, and counting items to 5.  The counting has been pretty simple but sometimes writing our numbers can get a little tricky.  So we have number poems we have been using and they our in our BEE folders for you to use at home also.  We also worked on our ordinal numbers to the fifth.  We had a lot of fun lining up this way.  Ask about some of these things! 

More Areas
We are very busy in our writing time lately.  We really are trying hard to get all our handwriting done so we can begin working on sentences.  We are making our way through the uppercase and will do numbers then work to lowercase.  We also have been finishing some sentences and creating pictures to go along with them.  We keep some of class books and others we bring home to share with you.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Mrs. Hendershot's Cupboard is Empty!

We are calling all snack!  We are running dangerously low.  If you could please send 1 or 2 boxes with your child in the next week that would be wonderful!  Thanks!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Newsletter Information

Events and Tips
September 19th – 2 hour delay
October 3rd - 2 hour delay
October 14th – No School
* Practice the sounds each letter makes in the alphabet.
* Begin writing numbers to 10 and beyond. Watch for backwards numbers.

We have now started all of our 5 Daily areas.  The students are very excited to be in all of these different centers.  We are reading to ourselves, working on our writing, doing word work, reading to a buddy, and listening to reading.  They love being able to pick their jobs!

More Areas
In math we are continuing to work on our patterns.  It has been fun creating our own and showing each other what we came up with.  In social studies we have continued to talk about families, celebrating, school, and discussed some map skills.  Finally in science we are continuing our work with trees.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Read to Someone

We have begun our Read to Someone time right after snack!  This is part of our Daily 5 system but we use it at another part of the day.  We only rest the first week and a half of school and then we begin to learn how to Read to Someone.  The students practice sitting, taking turns reading, and asking questions during this time.  We really enjoy hearing stories by all our friends.  Check out how much fun we have together!

Work Work!

We have finally started our Word Work time!  We are very excited!  During this Daily area we get to use Wikki Sticks to make words, magnet letter tiles, rhyming puzzles, ABC puzzles, and magic boards.  We love to use all these items and even play a couple of games like "Pop" and "Cookie Monster".  Please ask your child about these games.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Work on Writing!

We have been working very hard on another aspect of our Daily 5.  We spent last week doing Work on Writing.  The students used a folder that held blank white paper.  We will move to their journals later on in the year.  They would spread out into their spots on the floor and begin by writing 3 words on their paper.  We discussed a variety of options on where to find the words in our room, in books, and you can even sound out your own words to write.  We created a list of things we could write about but will save that for later in the year to get out and use.  After writing their words they could then go ahead and draw pictures or even write more words.  We would share them to the class if we wanted too!  They had a great time and are really coming along in their writing skills.  The biggest thing I wanted them to know is if we want to be a better writer we have to keep practicing just like reading.  Please work on writing at home to help develop your child's skills.

These pictures show the students using the variety of ways to write words that we discussed in class!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Newsletter Information


September 5th – No School
September 13th – Open House 5-7
September 19th – 2 hour delay
October 3rd - 2 hour delay
October 14th – No School

·       Practice writing the alphabet (upper and lowercase).
·       Practice the sounds in the alphabet.
·       Begin writing numbers to 10.
·       Have your child tell you names of others in our room!
The last 2 weeks we have been working on our Daily 5.  We now have two of the five dailies in place and working in our classroom.   We do Read to Self and Work on Writing.   They are doing a very nice job on these.  During Read to Self the students read to themselves books they have picked.  During Work on Writing we write in our journals and practice our writing.  Also we have been working on rhyming and sounds.  It is always a good thing to practice with your child. Ask your child about all of our learning’s.

During math we have been very busy working on graphs and positional words.   The students really got to learn a lot about graphs as we graphed many of our favorite things.  We have spent a lot of time working on left and right.  Check to see how well we know this.  Next we are beginning to work on our numbers.  So start practicing these at home.  

More Areas
We have still been working on our capital letters in writing.  Please continue to practice these at home.  We began our work in Social Studies, Science, and Health.  The students go to each Kindergarten classroom to receive lessons in these areas.  One teacher teaches Science, one Social Studies, and one Health.  The students are learning about families, trees, and feelings.