Friday, April 25, 2014

Flying Our Kites!!

Our project this week was to create some mosaic kites to hang in our room!  We used all different colors of tissue paper to glue on our kites.  Some of us created patterns or only used certain colors.  It was a lot of fun and a little bit sticky!  :)  Now our room is ready to "Fly Away" into the end of the year!!

Synthesis Superheroes

We have spent the last 2 weeks in school learning about how to read and to synthesize while we read.  This can be a bit harder for understand in the lower grades but we work very hard at it to really learn.  Synthesis is being able to get the big idea while reading and change our understanding as we read the story.  Our ideas don't always stay the same because we are learning more details as we read.  Finally after all our hard work we were able to become superheroes for synthesis!!!  WOW!  You should have seen our ideas once these masks and capes were put on!!!  It was unbelievable what we could do!!

Wood and Paper

We just started our new Science Unit on Wood and Paper!  What fun we are having!!!  We started out the unit be studying blocks of wood and learning what type of wood each block is.  We did a great job of guessing on some of these!  I think I have some experts in my room.  Then we did an experiment with the wood by dropping water on pieces to see what would happen!  Oh my did we learn a lot about the different types of wood!  Ask your child about our science fun!

Newsletter Information

Mrs. Hendershot’s Class
Friday, April 25th, 2014

*    May 7th – Early Out!
*    May 21st – Early Out!
*    May 26th – No School
*    June 2nd – Kindergarten Class Picnic
*    June 3rd – Last Day! 11:15 Out!!

Daily 5:
We have spent the last 2 weeks working on our final comprehension strategy of synthesis.  Synthesis is how we read and our ideas change as we continue to read the book.  We have done a variety of activities to help us learn all about synthesis.  Our favorite was becoming synthesis superheroes for a couple of days!  We were able to put on our capes and masks to transform into quite the readers.  We were coming up with all sorts of conclusions while reading our stories.  Ask your child to do some of this while reading to you at home. 

We have really been pushing hard on the understanding of how numbers are made up.  We understand what a 15 is but what makes fifteen.  We are working on a group of tens and then some ones to create that number.  It has been very interesting to see the students grasping this concept more and more each day.  We have started to move on to making up the numbers past 20.  We have been learning about how many tens and ones it takes to make some of these numbers too!  Keep working hard at home on all the concepts taught so far!

We just finished up our Trees Unit!  It was a lot of fun and with some nicer weather we were able to get outdoors and explore the trees around the school.  What fun we had!  Now we are just beginning our next science unit on wood and paper!  The students are very excited to see what we are planning to learn in this area!  Be looking in their folders for some great experiments to come home.

Helpful Hints:
·      Start to work on recognizing and counting penny, nickel, and dimes.
·      Talk about place value the tens and ones.
·      Continue adding and subtracting!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Flowers

We have a new project hung up in our hallway!  We each made a large spring flower and then wrote 2 things we like to do in the spring in the flower.  These students sure had some great ideas of things they like to do!  I was impressed!  They will be very busy this spring!  :)

Easter Baskets and Cards

We spent some time last Thursday making and Easter card for someone special to us.  WOW!  These turned out great and they wrote some excellent things to the people they were giving the cards too!  I was very impressed!  We also earlier in the week had created an Easter basket that got filled by the Easter bunny here on school!  Oh the excitement we had!  Enjoy!

Bunny Knowledge

With Easter last week we spent some of our writing time doing Easter activities.  One Easter activity we did was to work with a partner and fill out a web on facts we knew about rabbits.  It was great to see all the knowledge they had on rabbits.  They knew more than Mrs. Hendershot!  WOW!  They also worked very hard with their partners on this and it was great to see them working together!