Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3 Ways to Read a Book!

We started a big part of our daily routine this week.  We began our Daily 5 today.  The Daily 5 is a strategy we use for setting up our reading program.  The students will have 5 different areas they will visit.  I will be explaining more as we get them up and running. 
Today we learned about the 3 ways to read a book and then practiced doing it.  The first way to read a book is to read the words.  This is the harder of the ways to read a book currently but before we know it, it will be the main way.  The second way to read a book is to read the pictures.  This is our primary way to read a book as of now.  The students love to make up stories using the pictures in our books.  They have great imaginations and I LOVE hearing their stories.  The third way to read a book is the retell a story we already know.  This one is pretty as if they have a book that is a favorite or a classic.  I love to hear the different versions of these as we are practicing our beginning reading skills.  Hope you enjoy keeping up with all our progress!

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