Friday, December 14, 2012

Newsletter Information

·       December 21- 2:00 Out
·       December 24-January 2 – No School
·       January 7- Late Start
·       January 21- Snow Make Up/No School

·        Start working on telling time to the hour.
·        Begin working on the number words zero through ten.

We have been very busy starting our new unit on Measurement.  We have been measuring all sorts of things with cubes and paper clips.  We also spent some time this week working on capacity.  They are really doing a nice job in this area.  Keep working at home!

We are continuing our work in our Daily 5 routine.  The students have really made some tremendous improvements in their work on writing.  They write in a journal daily.  We are really working on making nice sentences,

In Social Studies we are discussing maps and states.  Science has started a new unit on weather.  They are learning about the different types.  In Health they are busy talking about emotions.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


We have been working on Measurement this unit in math and we started the unit by talking about taller and shorter.  So we lined ourselves up in order from tallest to shortest WITHOUT talking.  It was a lot of fun to see how we could communicate without using our voices!


Map Makers!

We also spent some time in Social Studies discussing maps.  We each then took some time to create a map of our house or of our bedrooms.  It was a lot of fun to show these around and try to figure out where things were in our homes!

Santa's Little Helpers are out!~

Last Friday we spent some of our morning working on making a reindeer to hang in the hallway.  These are always a favorite.  Hope you get a chance to come and check them out!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Newsletter Information

December 10th – Late Start
December 21st – 2:00 Dismissal
December 24-January 2 – No School
January 3rd – School Resumes
January 7th – Late Start
* Have your child count to you and see how far they can count.
*  Begin having your child spell you some two and three letter words.
*  Please send a box of snack with your child if you have not.  Thanks!

We have our first 25 word wall words all introduced in our classroom.  Some students have already passed these and are working on challenge words.  Keep up all the hard work on these words.  We are working on the last half of our words now.  Please practice these papers as they come home!

Other Areas
In math we have been busy working on our numbers to 30.  This has been a challenge for many of our students.  We even took last week to review them by doing a variety of activities.  We took our Chapter 5 test on the numbers.  Keep working on these at home.  In Social Studies we have spent some time talking about the Indians, Pilgrims, and the First Thanksgiving.  We are now moving on to maps, states, and a little on Christmas around the world!  Please ask your child about all these areas as the weeks go on in school!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Glasses~ Gobble Gobble

If you haven't already seen our Turkey glasses then you must!  Today we spent some time coloring, cutting, and folding them to be just right for our heads.  We were very excited to make these.  We hope you enjoyed them as much as we did!  Some of us were a little shy to have our picture taken with them on!  ;)

Gobble Gobble!

Thanksgiving Story

On Monday we spent some time putting together the story of the first Thanksgiving.  We had to color each page of the story, cut it out, and staple it back together in the correct order.  It was a lot of fun to watch how they colored each page of the story and if they could put it back together in sequential order.  They did a very nice job on both of these things.  We worked very hard this month of November on the First Thanksgiving.

Here are some questions to ask your child to see if they know the answer to:

How many days was the first Thanksgiving celebrated for?  3 days
What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims came over on?  Mayflower
Who were the first people the Pilgrims met?  Indians
What was the name of the special Indian friend the Pilgrims made?  Squanto

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving Feast!

Last Friday we were able to enjoy our own Thanksgiving Feast here at school.  We had made Indian and Pilgrim hats from the past couple of weeks and wore those to our school feast.  Our class was the Indians and so was another class.  The third class came as the pilgrims.  We learned that their were more Indians than Pilgrims at the First Thanksgiving so we thought this would be appropriate.

It was a lot of fun to see the students all wearing a hat and enjoying our delicious food.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!~

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cheering for our Volleyball Team!!

Today we were able to stand out in back behind the school and cheer on our volleyball team as they headed to Cedar Rapids for their first round of play.  It was a lot of fun!  We even took some time to make them posters to read as they drove by!  Be sure to ask your child about this fun experience.  The volleyball players and coaches got out of the bus and gave us all high fives!!!! 

Here we are working on our posters!

Newsletter Information

Important Dates
November 12th – 2 hour late start
November 20th  – 2:00 Dismissal
November 21-23 – No School
November 26th – 2 hour late start
December 10th – 2 hour late start
December 21st  – 2:00 Dismissal
December 22- January 2nd – No School

·      Work on counting, writing, and sequencing numbers to 30.
·      Read a book each night with your child.
·      Ask your child something they did in their Daily each evening.

During our reading time we are still doing our Daily’s and meeting with the teacher to work on a variety of skills.  We have been working very hard on the ending sounds in words, writing words how they sound, and talking about the concepts of print.  We are going to continue this plus add more to what we already have been doing.  Please keep reading and practicing reading at home.

In math we have been busy working on our numbers to 30.  This is a tough concept for all the students to understand.  We have counted items to 30, wrote the numbers to 30, and sequenced the numbers to 30.  Please work on this at home as this is a goal we have for Kindergarten.

Social Studies
This month we are going to spend our time discussing the Pilgrims, Indians, and the First Thanksgiving.  The kids are very excited to learn about all of the interesting things that happened during this time.  So watch as your child brings home some items that might have been at the First Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Costumes!

Here are some fun pictures with all of us in our costumes!  ENJOY!

Pumpkin Fun!

We spent a little time yesterday creating our own pumpkins on paper by deciding certain things we like and that is how we determined the face of our pumpkin.  This is called a glyph and the students just love to do these. 
Eyes: they had to decide their favorite food out of 3 choices.
Nose: they had to decide their favorite color out of 3 choices.
Mouth: they had to decide their favorite subject in school out of 3 choices.

Then we raised our hands after picking for our own pumpkin and I counted to see how many picked each one.  The items with the most then were transferred onto our own class pumpkin.  The students were then able to sign their name to our class pumpkin.  It was a lot of fun!